Where can I apply for a Marriage License?
You can apply for a marriage license on our website by filling out the online application. Once submitted, you will receive a transaction number. Both parties will need to appear in person, take the transaction number and proper identification to the following office locations: Charlotte County Justice Center and Murdock Administration building between the hours 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mac V. Horton West County Annex on Tuesday and Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
If you are unable to utilize the online application, we have public computers in our Official Records lobby to assist you.
Who may apply for a Marriage License?
Any person 18 or older may apply in person with proper identification that wishes to get married in the State of Florida. If under 18, this would require additional consent.
What is proper identification?
One of the following forms of identification is required for each party applying for a marriage license. Valid U.S. State Driver’s License, Valid Passport, Valid U.S. State ID card, Valid Alien Registration Card, or a Valid U.S. Military ID card.
Do we both have to be present to receive the Marriage License?
Both parties must apply in person. You are required to complete the Marriage License Application from any of our public computers.
Is there a waiting period prior to issuance of a Marriage License?
For Florida residents there is a three day waiting period unless the applicant has taken the approved (4 hour minimum) Premarital Course. Applicants will receive their marriage license on the day you apply in person, but for Florida residents not taking the Premarital Course the license will not become effective until after the three days per Florida Statute 741.01
Marriage Pre-marital Provider List
Marriage Pre-marital Provider List
If either party is a minor, what is required?
A marriage license will not be issued to any person younger than 18 years of age, unless:
The person is at least 17 years of age and provides a notarized Certificate of Consent signed by both parents or legal guardian, along with the certified long form Birth certificate of the minor. If one parent has full custody, then a certified copy of court order needs to be presented with the form. If one parent is deceased then a certified copy of the death certificate would need to be presented.
Also, the older party to the marriage must not be more than 2 years older than the younger party to the marriage.
The person is at least 17 years of age and provides a notarized Certificate of Consent signed by both parents or legal guardian, along with the certified long form Birth certificate of the minor. If one parent has full custody, then a certified copy of court order needs to be presented with the form. If one parent is deceased then a certified copy of the death certificate would need to be presented.
Also, the older party to the marriage must not be more than 2 years older than the younger party to the marriage.
Can I get married at the Charlotte County Clerk of Courts Office?
An authorized Deputy Clerk of the Charlotte County Clerk of Courts Official Records Department can perform the marriage ceremony between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Monday through Friday located within the Charlotte County Justice Center, 350 East Marion Ave. Punta Gorda FL. 33950
How long is the Marriage License valid for?
Your Marriage License is valid for 60 days from the date of issuance. If you do not marry within this period (60 days), you will be required to purchase a new license. No refunds or extensions are permitted.
What can I do if I find an error on my Marriage License?
If you find an error in your Marriage License you would need to contact the Charlotte County Clerk of Court Official Records department at (941) 637-2240.
Who can perform the marriage ceremony?
The following may perform marriage ceremonies per Florida Statute 741.07 (1).
- 1. A regularly ordained minister or other ordained clergy.
- 2. All judicial officers (judges).
- 3. Clerks of Circuit Court and their deputies.
- 4. A Notary public of the State of Florida.
Where do I record the Marriage License once my ceremony is performed?
The Marriage License would need to be returned within 10 days from the date of your marriage to the Charlotte County Clerk of Circuit Court. If
you are returning in person, you may visit any of our three office locations. If mailing the original marriage license please send to the following
address. Clerk of Circuit Court Attn. Marriage Services, 350 E. Marion Ave. Punta Gorda, FL 33950.
Does Charlotte County provide a Commemorative Marriage License that we can frame?
Yes, once your Marriage License is recorded with Charlotte County we can provide you with a Commemorative Certificate. This certification cannot be used for legal purposes.
How do I get a certified copy of my marriage license?
For name change purposes where a raised seal Marriage License if required select the Online Services Menu option from this site and then select the Recording-Order option. If you wish to obtain a electronic certified copy, then go to ClerkEcertify.com, select our county, search for your Marriage License. A email with an attached PDF will be sent to you once you have completed your order.
What are the fees associated when applying for a Marriage License?
Standard fee for Non-Resident of Florida and also Florida Residents
that did not take the Premarital Preparation Course - $86.00
Marriage License with Premarital Course (Florida residents only) - $61.00
Marriage License with Premarital Course (Florida residents only) - $61.00
If Deputy Clerk performs the ceremony, what are the fees?
The fee for the ceremony is $30.00. This process can only be performed at the Charlotte County Justice Center, 350 East Marion Ave. Punta Gorda FL. 33950.
How much will a certified copy of my marriage license cost?
A complimentary certified copy will be provided to you at the time of recording, additional certified copies can be obtained online once the marriage license is recorded, this fee will be $9.00. If you plan to return the original license in person, then additional certified copies will be $7.00.
How much does a Commemorative Certificate cost?
The Commemorative Certificate is complimentary if the Clerk's Office performs your ceremony or if you drop off your license in person.
We are taking premarital counseling through our church, do we need to bring proof
of that when we apply for our marriage license?
Yes, your waiting period will be waived and your fee reduced to $61.00 if you are both Florida residents and bring us proof of completing 4 hours (or more) of counseling with a registered counselor.
How can I become a premarital course provider for Charlotte County Clerk of Courts?
You need to register with the Charlotte County Clerk of Courts Office. You can obtain the affidavit be clicking on the link below
Pre-marital Course Provider Affidavit
Provider Information
Then mail the completed form to the following address:
Roger D. Eaton
Charlotte County Clerk of the Circuit Court
Attn: Official Records
350 East Marion Ave.
Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Pre-marital Course Provider Affidavit
Provider Information
Then mail the completed form to the following address:
Roger D. Eaton
Charlotte County Clerk of the Circuit Court
Attn: Official Records
350 East Marion Ave.
Punta Gorda, FL 33950